Friendship; Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Friendship

Notice must be given prior to leaving a friend behind. A sudden end is somewhat easier on the heart and mind than a gradual end. Yet, you cannot just leave. Just like you need to give three months notice to your employer before leaving, you need to give notice about the abandonment. Do not just leave. A breach of this term is an unforgivable offense.

Do not be selfish. When you make decisions about a friendship, think about the other person. You may assume that it is what's best for you two, yet, do not make decisions without asking the other. You may need to abandon a friendship for your own good, but your friend deserves to know about your decision and other options, before you arrive at it.

Never ever take the 'next step' unless you are a hundred per cent sure you wont just tire of it a week later. If you don't really like a friend in a more than friends way, do not tell them about how you feel. You are taking a risk with the friendship if you reveal your feelings only to realize a week later that your feelings aren't real. Also never do things that could lead to your friendship taking a turn towards a different kind of 'ship.' Just don't.

Never ever tell a friend you love them unless you really mean it. A love for a friend is incredibly pure, and honest and you can't just throw the word around. As it's something that I can say, "been there, done that" to, trust me when I say this. If you do not love your friend, don't pretend you love them. Just don't.

Be there. Don't disappear for days. Especially if your friend has this inexplicable need to know how her friends are at least once in two days. Keep your friend updated about your life. Especially about serious things.

Don't make any promises. Never ever make a promise to someone, especially a friend. Promises are broken, they always are. Being promised a friendship that will last forever, only to have that promise broken two months later, can hurt more than most things. Just avoid promises, because whether you like it or not, they can't be kept forever.

Don't lie, don't cheat. Never lie to a friend, and never cheat on a friend. Be honest, even if the truth hurts. Your friend, in fact, all people have a right to the truth. Don't deny them this right.

Never make a friend choose between your friendship and something else. Never say, "if you talk with so and so, we are done!" And if your friend makes you choose, well, choose the one who didn't ask you to choose.

Listen. Keep track of your friend's life. Don't pretend to listen, don't pretend to care. Pay attention and listen.

Do not ridicule or insult your friend. Especially in front of other people. If your friend tells you something in confidence, do not tell others. Never use it to tease your friend.

Give your friend a reason to trust you, and no reasons to lose that trust.

Never ever do anything that would require your apologies. If you are about to do something knowing you'll have to say you are sorry or ask for forgiveness, just don't do it. When friends betray you or hurt you, that pain stays on. You may forgive that person, but you cannot look at a friend who hurt you, and love or like him as before. Never ever scar someone.

The list doesn't end here, but this is all I can think of for now.


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