
Showing posts from January, 2017

Things I wish I am

1. Team Non-Procrastinators We’ll start with this because if I was a non-procrastinator, I wouldn’t be putting together this post. I have two weeks’ worth of work I need to get done by tomorrow but here I am, writing something that will be of no use or interest to anyone. But here’s the thing. I procrastinate way too much and not in that way where you actually manage to get things done on time despite watching a load of videos you can easily watch later. At the beginning of every work week, which starts on Wednesday for me, I promise myself the I'll get work done by Thursday and send it off by Friday morning. Every week, I stay up till 3 in the morning on Saturday morning telling myself that it’s still technically Friday since I haven’t slept since Friday morning. But somehow it’s so damn difficult to close YouTube, close Twitter and just get to work. Which I always regret the next day when I feel like a starving zombie. Where are my brains! 2. Talent  Befor