
Showing posts from June, 2021

Sometimes when we touch...

We are all lonely, a friend once told me. It felt like a confession. Admitting to one’s loneliness becomes somewhat difficult as one moves towards their late 20s. This is, of course, based on mere observations and experiences. Admitting that you are lonely is somewhat easy when you are in your late teens and even your early 20s. It’s easy because you either claim you are a lone wolf and prefer being by yourself or you still have some hope that these difficult years will lead to better times. There’s somewhat of an invitation in that “I’m lonely.” You are inviting people into your life, challenging them to prove you wrong. There is also the difference between feeling lonely and being alone and the line is blurred when we are younger. But when you get past your mid-twenties and move towards those years where people expect you to settle down, get married, or start a family, admitting that you are lonely is more a confession. It can be an admittance of failure of some kind. It’s a