Things I've Learned in the Past Few Days

1. Eat on time. Do not skip meals. And when working, eat whenever you can for you don't know when your next meal will be.

2. Tea is way better than coffee for one simple reason. Tea is comforting, coffee is not.

3. Smile whenever you can. You may not be able to tomorrow.

4. Make the most of each moment count. Especially time with friends and family.

5. If you are wearing a dress, just don't ever get on a bike. Worst idea ever, unless you don't mind exposing your legs to the world.

6. Always carry money with you. Banks are never located at your convenience.

7. Don't trust everyone. Trust some people. Don't tell everyone your problems. Tell very few.

8. Keep your phone charged. Right when there is no way you can charge it all your friends will remember you and want to talk to you.Then when you really need it, your phone battery will be dead.

9. Get a good night's rest. Go to bed early, because you may have to wake up early too. And there's no headache worse than the one you get when you don't get enough sleep.

10. Assumptions are rarely right. Don't base your opinions on assumptions.

11. Reading your own copy of a book is much better than reading someone else' copy. When you own the book, it will be easier to read it.

12. Make sure people know their boundaries. Especially in your life. Do not let people feel too familiar or comfortable with you. Especially those of the opposite sex.

13. Laugh at lame jokes. They are funny no matter what you are told.

14. Don't cry when you can laugh. Start the day by singing happy songs. Even if you can't sing to save your life.

15. Be there for people. You may be busy or your own problems may be overwhelming. But be there for people. They may not return the favor but helping people wont hurt anyone.

16. First impressions are always proved wrong. People you think are kind and caring will turn out to be viscous snakes. And people you think are unfriendly and scary will turn out to be the shoulder you can lean on.

17. Let it all go and spend time doing crazy things, eating junk food. Life is too short to live by rules at all times.

18. Remember things people say. And always listen. Many untold stories hide behind those that are told.

19. Be unique. People may laugh at your outfits and choices. But let them. Be different, but in a good way. Don't try to teach the world a lesson, just be who you are.

20. Learn to tolerate things. Respect the choices of others. Do not criticize when you aren't perfect.

21. Be observant. Motivational quotes might be helpful but sometimes tuk tuk wisdom is just that, wisdom. And you mayn't see it, unless you observe.


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