
When I wanted to leave, you, instead of telling me not to, gave me reasons to stay. They were the reasons that made me not leave, despite the many reasons that made me not want to stay.

When I wasn’t sure if I would ever hear his voice again, you told me I will. Even though I couldn’t help smiling, you told me I would hear his voice again because god always listened and you prayed even though I don’t believe.

When I wished for the pain to leave her life, as I poured pot after pot of water onto the giant roots of the bo tree, you couldn’t help smiling. You didn’t see how offering flowers to a lifeless statue would help.

When we looked at the setting sun, the fingers of your left hand entangled with the fingers of my right hand, we became true believers. We smiled as we realized that what matters isn’t the gods or doctrine preached centuries ago, but the love that runs through our bodies with the blood our hearts pump.


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