Set Your Goals for 2014

A few days into the New Year, and you are most probably looking for a way to change your life, to turn over a new leaf. Such clichéd promises to yourself need not consist of dramatic changes, and you can instead choose a year- long project to change your ways. Do something new, do something different.

1. Blogging
If you are yet to start your own blog, start one this year. You can either blog once a week, daily or can even maintain a blog with a friend, preferably, with someone from a different corner of the world. Decide how often you would blog, and stick to this.
You can also have a photo-blog where your life is forever captured through photographs. This will require of you to capture at least one moment of your day. You can write a few words too about each photograph.

However, writing isn’t for everyone. And if you don’t enjoy writing, you can instead start vlogging. Many people shot to fame through their vlogs, which are blogs in the form of a video. Again, you can vlog with another.

Why vlog? Because,  the best way to express yourself is by being yourself. A reader never sees the writer. However, when watching a video we see that person. We see their expressions, habits , and feel they are our friends. And thus vlogging is one of the best ways to express yourself, although you need to be quite brave to be able to talk into a camera and share the video with the world. However, always be careful about where you film videos, and what information you share through your vlog.

2. Reading list
If you are a reader, then you can make a list of the books you want to read this year. Be a bit adventurous and add books out of your comfort-genre. Even if you plan to read a book in a month, by end of the year, you would have read 12, which is more than many others read.

If you aren’t a reader, make a list that suits your hobby or passion. They could be video games or movies. The list can include old releases and new ones. When it comes to movies, you can, if you are willing to spend some money, have a ‘movies at the cinema’ list. Either way, these lists should keep you busy all year.

3. Change your wardrobe
People keep saying this, but a complete make over is expensive and not worth it. Instead, buy a new outfit a month, and choose a different style without sticking to the same old boring t-shirt and jeans. Even this could be spiced up and worn differently. You can add to create a signature look, like coats, hats or shawls. Either way, do something different, something funky.

4. Travel
Make travel plans and explore the world. Don’t go to the same old places we always go to; Galle, Kandy, Jaffna, Anuradhapura or Trincomalee. Find places that are hidden away, visit them and learn about that area’s traditions. If you can’t travel outside your area, you can still explore areas in your neighborhood or city. Colombo itself is massive and there are so many places unknown to us. Look around, and be adventurous.
However, it is also important to find a nice group who will travel with you. Exploring any place alone is both scary and dangerous. Find people you get along with and who also love adventure and travel.

5. Do something daring
There is something we all want to do, but we are afraid. Whether it’s piercing or tattoo, an activity like bungee jumping or rock climbing, or a sport like surfing or skateboarding, make this the year you do that one thing you have always wanted to do. Forget what people think and say, and do what you want. Have you always wanted an Afro or blue highlights? Have you always wanted to sing before a crowd even though you aren’t a good singer? Make 2014 the year you listen to your heart.

6. Learn to play an instrument
Whether it’s the guitar, violin or piano, learn how to play an instrument. This will obviously take a whole lot of your time, but no matter how tired you feel, keep learning. If you already play an instrument learn something different. A sport or improve on your drawing skills. Maybe you can try out digital art.

7. Treat yourself well
We often make promises to other people. We decide to not do things because of the effect our actions have on others. However, you need to do something for yourself too. Once a month, treat yourself to a nice meal. Buy yourself something. Make the day about you. Yes, this sounds selfish, and yet, we can’t love another until we love our ownselves.

8. Pick up a hobby
Choose a hobby you haven’t tried before. You can collect coins, shells or stones. Find an interesting hobby which will keep you busy throughout the year. You can even collect Pokemon cards or Hot Wheels.

9. Try new things
When you go to a restaurant, you tend to order what you know. However, life is too short to not try out new things. Try different cuisines and dishes. You may regret it; you may find your new favorite dish bland. Besides food, there are many things you haven’t tried before, for instance, scary- rollercoaster ride. Forget the same old things and try out different things.

10. Spend some quiet time
Take a week- off once in a while. Log off your facebook, twitter, tumblr and instagram. Switch your phone off, and forget going online through your tab. Leave the online world and spend time with friends or family. We are so used to living with our devices that we see the sunset only through a lens. We forget that we don’t need to instagram or tweet about every moment of our lives. Take a few days off and rethink of your life.

Make this year one of change, and of new things. We are all too young to silence the adventurous spirit in us. And life is too short to not have a bucket list.


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