New to work? Know how it works

Exploring your options, whiling away your time or university requirement; all those fancy terms means just one thing; you have a full time job. Maybe you aren’t there on a permanent basis, and maybe your boss told you that your work hours are flexible. In fact, I’m sure you were told you can even work from home. However, chances are, you spend five days a week, from morning till evening in an office. We are young, eager to work and of course easily fall prey to the vultures. They patiently wait for the time of the year when a child’s school life comes to an end and quickly snaps at them.

We are nervous and scared and still learning. We don’t know how much work is required of us and we are still trying to figure out how to survive in an office. There are things we must do, and things we shouldn’t.

Know your bosses. Who do you answer to? Age doesn’t mean seniority and you must know whose orders you should follow. However, respect everyone, and don’t think you are better than anyone else. You may be more educated but don’t come off as a know-it-all. Be humble and accept advice given by others.

Your personal and personal lives should be kept separate. You will make friends with those you work with and yet, know that you are competing against them. It’s a cut throat world out there, and you will be fighting your friends for that promotion or bonus.

Romance is a tricky subject. Since you spend a lot of time with your colleagues and may have shared interests, they may seem the most ideal suitors. Also offices run as match making services too and it doesn’t take long for a couple to be teased left, right and center. However, you must always remember that, while your romantic relationship may not last long, your work relationship will. There are instances where you find it difficult to work with someone you are romantically involved with.

However, if you are being harassed, especially sexually, you need to protest. Sadly, it’s easier said than done. If anyone behaves inappropriately, talk to someone. And if there is no way to stop them, make sure they aren’t given the opportunity to behave indecently. Never leave office last, and try to not be alone; especially in a room, as you can easily be cornered. Know your boundaries and make sure other people know their boundaries.

Don’t be a snoop. Eavesdropping at work and gossiping about your colleagues is a bad idea. Be friendly with everyone, but don’t form cliques or groups. This will cause unfriendliness among others and will lead to a very tense situation at work.

Never take your work home. Don’t make your job, your life. Have fun and relax. If possible, do no work at all during the weekend. Instead spend time away from work, your workplace and your colleagues. You deserve alone time, and no company would expect you to work throughout the week.

People warn against working, about the long hours and the stress. They tell you that work will engulf you, and before you know it, you’ll be in your forties. However, working is fun and gives you a lot of independence. It takes, but also gives. And in the end, your first job will be your most memorable.

Exploring your options, whiling away your time or university requirement; all those fancy terms means just one thing; you have a full time job. Maybe you aren’t there on a permanent basis, and maybe your boss told you that your work hours are flexible. In fact, I’m sure you were told you can even work from home. However, chances are, you spend five days a week, from morning till evening in an office. We are young, eager to work and of course easily fall prey to the vultures. They patiently wait for the time of the year when a child’s school life comes to an end and quickly snaps at them.
We are nervous and scared and still learning. We don’t know how much work is required of us and we are still trying to figure out how to survive in an office. There are things we must do, and things we shouldn’t.
Know your bosses. Who do you answer to? Age doesn’t mean seniority and you must know whose orders you should follow. However, respect everyone, and don’t think you are better than anyone else. You may be more educated but don’t come off as a know-it-all. Be humble and accept advice given by others.
Your personal and personal lives should be kept separate. You will make friends with those you work with and yet, know that you are competing against them. It’s a cut throat world out there, and you will be fighting your friends for that promotion or bonus.
Romance is a tricky subject. Since you spend a lot of time with your colleagues and may have shared interests, they may seem the most ideal suitors. Also offices run as match making services too and it doesn’t take long for a couple to be teased left, right and center. However, you must always remember that, while your romantic relationship may not last long, your work relationship will. There are instances where you find it difficult to work with someone you are romantically involved with.
However, if you are being harassed, especially sexually, you need to protest. Sadly, it’s easier said than done. If anyone behaves inappropriately, talk to someone. And if there is no way to stop them, make sure they aren’t given the opportunity to behave indecently. Never leave office last, and try to not be alone; especially in a room, as you can easily be cornered. Know your boundaries and make sure other people know their boundaries.
Don’t be a snoop. Eavesdropping at work and gossiping about your colleagues is a bad idea. Be friendly with everyone, but don’t form cliques or groups. This will cause unfriendliness among others and will lead to a very tense situation at work.
Never take your work home. Don’t make your job, your life. Have fun and relax. If possible, do no work at all during the weekend. Instead spend time away from work, your workplace and your colleagues. You deserve alone time, and no company would expect you to work throughout the week.
People warn against working, about the long hours and the stress. They tell you that work will engulf you, and before you know it, you’ll be in your forties. However, working is fun and gives you a lot of independence. It takes, but also gives. And in the end, your first job will be your most memorable.
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