Sudoku; what I've learned

I've always loved playing sudoku. A least since I took up playing it on the daily paper. I never went beyond the puzzle printed on paper, somehow solving a puzzle on my phone, computer or iPad seemed impossible. Then sudoku found a cozy spot with my other apps, mostly games I don't even play. And now I'm hooked on the game and love filling box after tiny box with numbers.

Sudoku is more than just a game though. It has taught me many things.

Patience. Don't lose your cool. The minutes may pass, but a puzzle deserves all of our time. Don't try to rush through a puzzle and make many mistakes. Patience will make you complete it.

Think ahead, but not too ahead. Sudoku makes you think ahead, "if three comes here, then nine goes there, two may go here and if so six can't get there," and so on me little voice in your head will go. Yet, with all the planning, you'll forget that first step and have to go through it all over again. So think ahead, but not too ahead.

Risks. Sometimes you just have to take a risk with a number. Some sudoku apps tell you when a number is wrong. If you have this option, and the puzzle seems to be going no where, take a deep breathe and enter the number that may or may not be right into the right box. Life too gives you these choices, a this or that moment. You take a risk when you make a choice, and sometimes you may regret it. But all that matters is that you tried.

Note taking. If you want to play it safe, take down notes, work the numbers out based on an assumption. But remember, you can't always do so. Sometimes the notes are overwhelming, and may make you see what is actually not there, or can't be there. You may get lost in the notes and forget the game.

Take a break. Sudoku is exhausting. And if you are tired, your puzzle will go no where. So take a break, go for a walk maybe, and get back to the game. You'll see things you didn't see before. Life too is overwhelming, exhausting. Clear your mind, take a break and get back in the game with a French and uncluttered mind.

The numbers will all fit. Unless you make a mistake, which you can avoid, and should. If you do everything right but the puzzle can't be solved, it could be that the puzzle is wrong. The puzzle maker made a mistake. Life is such, things work out and if they don't, then sometimes you aren't to blame. And you may spend hours and hours worrying and thinking and yet, the numbers don't complete the puzzle. Sometimes, no matter what you do or say, things don't work out. Some puzzles are meant to be abandoned.

Friendship. Sudoku may seem like something you have to do alone. But it's a game two people can play together. And while your minds think about the same numbers, and stare at the same puzzle looking for a solution, you realize that even with things that you think you must do alone, well, there's always room for another.

Mistakes. Make them. People may keep track of them, but that's how you learn. Did you carelessly put a number where it wasn't supposed to be? Well, next time you won't make that same mistake. But don't be scared of them. Don't try to perfect your every move.

Competition. Don't try to beat someone else' high score. Don't try to prove you are better than someone else. Don't make it your goal to finish the puzzle as soon as you can. It's a game, play it, enjoy it. Have fun figuring the 1-9 boxes. Don't make a competition out of everything. There are no winners, or loses.


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