It's time to put your foot down

Some people seem to excel at manipulation and lying. They often make use of people for their personal gain, and have no respect for another’s feelings. People you thought were your friends have slammed the door shut right in your face. People you trusted have betrayed you and deceived you. Dealing with liars, traitors and the like seems like part of life now, much like crossing the road, doing your laundry or buying groceries. It has become something everyone must deal with.

However, this does not make their behavior right. Just because everyone seems to be a liar, doesn’t mean you should tolerate it or turn a blind eye to their crimes. If you are the victim of their viciousness, you wouldn’t want to suffer. You would want to stand up to them and take control of the situation.

This isn’t easy. People take advantage of us because they know we are easy targets. Maybe they know our weaknesses, or are aware of our flaws and things we are affected by. People who betray you are often people who aren’t happy with how successful your life is. For instance, a classmate who is jealous of your high grades could snitch to a teacher about how you let weaker students copy from your book. They would even go as far as planting evidence just to get you in trouble.

It is for this reason that you should be careful about what you tell people. You may tell a friend that you don’t like having someone as a team member. Your friend may go and tell this person what you said. Never expect even your best friend to be completely loyal to you. Think twice about what you say, especially if the information can be used against you in any way.

Be one step ahead of such people. As much as people who carry tales or plot against other people think they are smart, their actions follow a pattern. If someone who has previously acted against you is suddenly over-friendly, be cautious. Know where each person’s loyalties lie and always keep this in mind.

It hurts when people do underhanded things and stoop low to bring you down. It hurts when people betray you and lie to you. However, remember that what goes around comes around. They may be able to stab you in the back repeatedly; however, the futures of such people are not at all bright.

Put your foot down, stand up for yourself, but no matter how much you are betrayed or lied to, remember not to never stoop to their level.


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