On memory and cockroaches

Thought: why is the harmless cockroach killed when the harmful centipede rarely is? Why do we forget certain memories and remember others?

Today morning's status update: "the sole reasons for the existence of men are to kill those stuff (cockroaches) and to fix cars. & reproduce" ... Wise words pal, wise words

The comment by my editor: http://www.island.lk/2003/06/01/leisur06.html

I read the article. And at first I thought, what does memory have to do with roaches? I expected him to go off topic. He didn't though. He says that we choose to forget. We kill the harmless cockroach like we forget a memory. That is, when we intentionally forget, or replace those memories with something else.

I do kill the occasional mosquito and ants if there is no way to get rid of them. This always bothers as I've been taught not to kill. But I do, sadly. The annoying mosquito I swap at, mostly absentmindedly, doesn't deserve to die. If we were all mosquitoes, no one would be alive. E are all annoying, our existence a curse. Cockroaches though, they manage to survive at home. Cause them no pain, we would chase them out. Or we would hide in the comfort of our rooms until daylight chases the winged creature away.

I agree with him though. We let certain memories haunt us, or we remember them even if they aren't our most treasured memories. Some we kill or forget. Why???

"Memory is to console us for what we are, imagination to compensate for what we are not" -someone


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