For now, I'm happy

Today I gave my life a little thought. My articles for this week had been published and I was quite happy with them all. One article was about a man who has dedicated his life to teaching. It felt great to have been the writer of his story. Not that I wrote his story in the sense that a novelist would write the life of a character.
There's more to writing though. Its more than telling someone's story when they come to you. It's about looking for a story, where there may not seem to be one. Some of my articles tend to be about my own life or experiences and when I told this to a friend, he said it must be pretty weird to write about one self. In many ways, it is. But when I write about my life, its mostly about the people who are part of my life.
Everyone has a story. Whether it's interesting or not, its still a story. Not many are told and not many are heard.
There's more to it though, than getting out someone's story. Not many like that. For now I'm content with my nearly invisible life, but maybe someday money, fame, luxury may push me towards greater things. A well paying job, a better newspaper, a completely different field. For now though, this is quite enough. My table at work, the uncomfortable chair, the words I write. Its all enough.

Some people deserve to have their story written. And for now, I will do the writing.


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