About the fish in the sea

A lot of people have told me there are plenty of fish in the sea. Not always using those exact words, but it was the same old 'there are plenty of people out there. Date someone. Anyone.' It gets worse as you get older and seem to care less about the fact that you're single. I thought being 20 and single was bad but oh boy, try being 23 and single. And I know that 25 and single will be a frikking party.

Anyway, quite a few well-meaning people have told me that maybe it's time I found someone. Get that fishing rod, hook and can of worms and go catch something. But here's the thing about fishing. Since I was a kid, I've been grossed out by it. I grew up eating meat. I know where meat comes from. But the thought of doing the catching and killing yourself grossed me out. Also... Fishing seems like such a bored, jobless uncles who want an excuse to drink activity. So fishing never really appealed to me.

But most of all, I'd rather not go fishing -cast my line and let the sun cook me before I can catch anything worth killing, cooking and eating- because I have better things to do with my life.

You know what I'd rather do?

Well, I'd rather climb mountains (okay, kidding, I'm not fit enough for this). I'd rather cross oceans via ship or plane or whatever else way they come up with. I'd rather travel and see what the world has to offer me. I want to meet people and learn things. I want to focus on my job. I want to graduate. And I want to do these things without having to divide my attention between them and some human being.

And if I manage to randomly catch a fish while on my adventures, that'll be fine. I'll pop open a bottle of champagne and celebrate. And if not, I'll most probably still pop open a bottle and celebrate.

But then, once my adventures come to an end, then I'll get myself a comfortable lawn/pool chair. I'll buy that darned fishing rod. I'll get a book or two. A bottle of something strong, something nice. Snacks. A can of worms. And I'll find myself a nice spot under a tree. I'll cast that bloody line, have a snack, have a nap, hit the books, hit the booze.

And if some stupid sucker of a fish ends up taking the bait, I'd have found my fish. And if the fish are too smart to get a hook stuck to the roof of their mouth, there are fish elsewhere. There are aquariums where I can enjoy from a distance. There are pet stores that sell fish. I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. As for companionship, I have an amazing family. I have amazing friends. And most importantly, I have myself.

But here's the point of this post: I know that people mean well when they say it's time to settle down, or that it'll be good for me to find someone. I know that romantic love and relationships are important in life. Hell, I wouldn't say no to a life of growing old with someone I can spend evenings bitching about the neighbors with. While I currently have zero plans to ever have a family of my own, I do know that family is important.

But more than any of this, I know myself. I know what I can manage in life and what I can't. I know what I need and what I don't need. And right now, at this point of my life, I have other priorities. There's a degree that is determined to kill me. I have a job that takes up most of my time. I have plans to travel. I want a house of my own and that crap is expensive. I still haven't found the time to even learn how to drive.

And what's not on my list of things to get done? Catching one of those fish in the sea. For now, the fish can wait. Marinate in the salt water a bit longer.


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